
Thursday May 11, 2017
SingleTrack Session #38
Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
The tables get turned as we get interviewed by Leia from our local newspaper (Ogden Standard-Examiner) in this edition of the Singletrack Session. Leia asks some fun questions and really makes us think. Thanks Leia and the Ogden Standard-Examiner for coming out and getting us even more out of our comfort zone.
Show Notes:
Anna Frost Episide #83 recap
Strava week champs
Ogden Trail Running Festival recap
Interviewed by our local paper
PC: Simon Hodgson: Syndney Opera House (Where did your feet take you?)

Tuesday May 09, 2017
Episode #83- Anna Frost: "Summit Our Own Mountain"
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Studio 78 has seen its fair share of guests but Episode #83 brought Anna Frost to the Captain's chair for an absolutely memorable episode! Frosty is as real as they come. She makes everyone around her feel comfortable and special at the same time. She loves taking about "you" and talks about herself only when asked. Her presence is bigger than her posters and banners you see around the world and leaves people with a smile to equal it. It was an absolute honor and priveledge for us to spend a couple days with her. Thank you Anna- you are amazing!
Show Notes:
Frosty's background
Now we are "besties"
Equality in trail running
"Pole Cat Gang"
Lightning Round

Thursday May 04, 2017
SingleTrack Session #37
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
Big week here for TrailManners and a massive weekend coming up. We are excited the Ogden Trail Running Festival is finally here. After this week we can get back to a little more normalcy.
Show Notes:
Uli Steck tragedy
Recap Episode #82- Jeff Hart
Where did your feet take you?
Strava Week for TM group
Ogden Trail Running Festival
PC: Scotty Taylor - Swansea U.K.

Tuesday May 02, 2017
Episode #82- Jeff Hart: Part 2- Road/Trail to Hardrock
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
We are back with Jeff Hart and Part 2 of his training road/trail to Hardrock. Jeff has been having a small bout with some niggling injuries but he still has his sights set on Silverton. We take a good look into some of the mentail games our mind and body can play. Thanks goodness we were there to prescribe some IPA and Cheese curds! Thanks again Jeff- we are rooting for you!
Show Notes:
How has training been?
Mentail strain
A New Grandpa
TrailManners prescription- "Drink some IPA and eat cheese curds and call me in a couple weeks"

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
SingleTrack Session #36
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Things over at the TrailManners Global HQ are getting crazy. So close to the first ever Ogden Trail Running Festival and we are all over the place. We want to thank everyone for all their support with not only the festival but also for the almost one and a half years of listening to the show. We do make a special announcement about some plans for later in 2017 and beyond- big stuff!
PC: Nick Peterson: Spokane River Run 50k
Show Notes:
Recap Episode #81 w/Erik Storheim
Strava weekly in the TrailManners group
Name the listeners....
Ogden Trail Running Festival
TrailManners Meet Ups

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Episode #81- Erik Storheim: Barkley Marathons
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
One of the things we really look forward to is when we can get some guests on the show that have been around the scene for awhile. The stories, the changes and the evolution of the sport are fascinating. Erik has been doing ultras since 2005 and his race resume speaks for itself. We were pumped to get him on the show to talk a little bit about the sport and its evolution but also talk about his experience over the last 2 years of heading out to run the Barkley Marathons.
Show Notes:
Erik's history
Evolution of trail running
"Control what you can control"
Barkley Marathons
MRC Blog

Thursday Apr 20, 2017
SingleTrack Session #35
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
We got some big news before we recorded the show so we went on location to Roosters Brewing Company in Ogden, Utah (again). Earlier in the day we got a message from our official brewer- Jacquie Wright, that out Trail Festival beer was ready for sample. We couldn't be hoppier (see what we did there). Jacquieis the first guest we have had join the Singletrack Session and after she headed back to work we covered more vital trail running news. Have a listen.
Show Notes:
TrailManners brewer- Jacquie Wright
Ogden Trail Running Festival
Zion Traverse new FKT
Lake Sonoma 50 results
More stuff
Swaggin Rights
PC: Lori Cepa: Lake Pleasant- Phoenix, AZ (Taken from our Sunday- Where did your feet take you)

Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Episode #80- Melissa Solomon: Zion 100
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Episode #80 is loaded with some local brew, delicious deep fried cheese curds and a two-time guest: Melissa Solomon. If you remember we had Melissa first on for Episode #76 where she told us here amazing story into running and her new life. She let it slip out that she was running her first 100 mile race and we warned her she would need to come back on and give us play by play. Well, she agreed and thus we have another fun time sitting down with Melissa!
Show Notes:
How bout them Deep Fried Cheese Curds?
Zion 100
Toe Knuckles
What's next?