
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
SingleTrack Session #42
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Things are heating up! Not just the mercury but the race season is also getting spicy. We sit down in Studio 78 to bring you last weeks races and a preview for Western States. TrailManners gives our predictions and is offering up a prize to get your picks.
Aric & Joel are also headed off to Lander, Wyoming to race....or run the Sinks Canyon Rough & Tumble 50k. Good Luck to all those racing this weekend!
Show Notes:
Episode #88 Recap
Big Horn 100 Recap
Western States Predictions & Contest
Your Running Tree
TrailManners Strava week
PC: Bob McAllister- River of No Return 50k, Challis, ID (Where Did Your Feet Take You?)

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Episode #88- Michael Laymon: The Trail Initiative
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
With an uptick in trail usage we reached out to San Diego based ultra runner and founder of the Trail Initiative for some advice on being good stewards of the trails.
The Trail Initiative was founded in March of 2017 to help clean, preserve, and restore the trails of Southern California. Michael's goal is to grow the Trail Initiative from a local chapter to a National organization with a chapter in each state.
The Trail Initiative can be found on Instagram:
Show Notes:
How Mike got into trail running and ultra running
How the Trail Initiative started
San Diego trail running culture
Goals and the future of the Trail Initiative
How can people get involved

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
SingleTrack Session #41
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Happy Father's Day. Singletrack Session #41is once again loaded with insight and rambling. Joel recaps our past Episode with Ty Draney as well as gives you a sneak peak of next weeks show. We discuss an upcoming contest for Western States and dive into trail nicknames. Have a listen and leave a comment!
Show Notes
Episode #87 Recap
Happy Father's Day
El Vaquero - Sold Out
Western States Contest next week
Strava Weekly winners
Trail Nicknames
Last Day for Hoodie Pre-Sale HERE
PC: Natalie Sheffield- Lake Blanche; Winner "Where did your feet take you"

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Episode #87- Ty Draney: Transition from Road running to Trail running
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Ask The Listeners Question From Natalie Sheffield
Hey guys! I wanted to throw out a suggestion for the podcast. I recently had to back down my 50k to a half due to burnout. My problem was a fast buildup too soon. I'm always seeing people doing these epic runs on social media and I think that led to the fast build up that led to burnout. My thoughts were if they can do it , I can do it. I was wondering if you could do a newbie podcast on what to expect and how not to get caught up with what others are doing on social media. I think it's wonderful what people are accomplishing, but I think as a newbie you can get caught up with it and go out to hard. Social media does not showcase what it really takes to get to these high mileage points.
To help answer Natalie's question we called up Coach Ty Draney and asked him for his sagely advice.
Show Notes:
Why transition from road marathon to trail ultra?
What can you expect when making the transition?
Slow down and walk. No REALLY it's fine to walk!
Wet shorts and chaffing
Nutrition and hydration, it's okay to eat real food
Aid Station transitions, plan ahead for an efficient visit to the AS
Did we mention it's okay to walk!

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Episode #86- Jeff Hart: Part 3- Road/Trail to Hardrock
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Did Dr. Manners IPA & Cheese Curd prescription work? With a little under 6 weeks until the 2017 Hardrock 100, Jeff Hart joins us for the third installment on his trail to Hardrock. Last time we had Jeff on he talked about battling inuries and the mental toll it was taking. This time around you can hear in his voice that he is feeling better and excited for the San Juans. Thanks again Jeff and good luck with the next month of Hardrock training.
Show Notes:
Recap of last months show
Injury update
Did Dr. Manners IPA & Cheese Curd prescription work?
Build up to Hardrock
Rocky IV

Tuesday May 30, 2017
Episode #85- Brian Tolbert: The Return of "PowerStache"
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
The "Power-Stache" is back and it is glorious as ever! We once again caught up with Brian "Power-Stache" Tolbert at Park City Running Company to recap and amazing 2016 as well as talk about his new deal with Under Armour. We then get into an crazy cool story about him helping friend and Under Armour teammate Kyle Dietz on an attempt for an FKT on the Waitukubuli National Trail in Dominica (brief hold while you google it)........okay we are back.
Youtube video link HERE.
Outside TV link HERE.
Thanks Brian and PC Run Co. for another great time behind the mics.
Show Notes:
The Stache is back
2016 Recap
2017 Preview
Under Armour Athlete
Outside TV- Dominica FKT attempt with Kyle Dietz

Tuesday May 23, 2017
Episode #84- Logan Ledford: Fried Chicken To Clean Trail Advocate
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Tuesday May 23, 2017
At it's core, TrailManners Podcast is a medium for the average trail runner to share stories of discovery, growth, beer, and of course cheese curds. Man, do we have a story for you today!
When I first heard that silky smooth Louisiana twang I knew we had a good guest, but did he have a story to match that gentlemen's drawl? Listen and enjoy as Logan Ledford spins a tale of growing up in Louisiana with water maccosians (that's a mean ass snake for those that don't know), grandma's fried chicken, and running highway over-passes for vert training. Stick around and find out how Logan made his way from the swamps to the Wasatch Front where he now is spearheading a #trashattack for the Wasatch Mountain Wranglers but we think he has more Branding power with #logansjunk.
Show Notes;
Louisiana roots and home cookin'
Logan's first Ultra
Moving to Utah
Utah wlecome committee, Logan's Car gets stolen
Wrangler spat is an opportunity for action

Tuesday May 16, 2017
Best of Episode: Episode #57 with Roch Horton
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Every so often we get requests and questions that revolve around a past episode. As part of out "Best Of" shows we have done in the past, we are re-launching the show we did with the legend- Roch Horton. So much of what Roch talks about is just timeless and a good reminder to us all.