
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Singletrack Session #46
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Singletrack Session #46 brings a good dose of Hardrock 100 and upcoming races. We finally launch our prizes for the "Where Did Your Feet Take You" weekly photo contest thanks to our good friends at The Sign Garage in Ogden, Utah. Each week (for a year) will we be giving away 1 TrailManners Trucker hat to the weekly winner. These are not available in the store so you gotta play to win.
Show Notes:
Episode #92- Recap: Jacob Puzey
Hardrock 100 Results
Hardrock 100 TM Contest winner
Upcoming Races
Where Did Your Feet Take You Winner!
PC: Jeff Hart at Mile 92 of the Hardrock 100 where he proposed to his longtime partner Jen- then he went on to finish Hardrock in 40:09

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Episode #92- Jacob Puzey:
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Jacob was down from Calgary and in our neck of the woods so we talked him into Studio 78 for Episode #92. Jacob has a great story of how he not only got into running but how he continued to grow through running. Last December he set the World Record for the fastest 50 mile run on a treadmill- 4:57...just to get a treadmill. We explore his coaching roots, TranSelkirks Race and talk a lot about Poutine.
Thank you Jacob- it was a pleasure meeting you and we sure hope to find our way to Canada in 2017!
Show Notes:
Globe Trotter
50 mile treadmill World Record
Coaching: Peak Run Performance
Pass the Poutine baby!
TranSelkirks Run

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Singletrack Session #45
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
TrailManners is back from the Beaverhead 100k and although race day didn't turn out as planned we still had an amazing time meeting new friends and exploring new areas. We talk about the race and discuss why you need to put this on your "to do list".
We also announce our Hardrock 100 contest and our Top 3 male and female picks PLUS we have a contest for your top picks. Just head over to the TrailManners website under this podcast and post your picks for a chance to win some cool TrailManners swag! Hurry though- contest ends Friday morning at 6am since the race gets under way.
Have a great week and don't forget to share us with your friends.
Show Notes:
Episode #91- Recap: Jeff Hart & the Hardrock 100
Beaverhead 100k recap
Hardrock 100 review
Hardrock 100 Contets (hurry)
New races
Outdoor Retailers

Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Episode #91- Jeff Hart: Hardrock 2017- Let's do this.
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Jeff Hart is coming to us live from Silverton, Colorado- home of the Hardrock 100. Much like the race, this episode is raw and uncut. We even get a guest appearance from Mr. James Varner. We have been keeping up with Jeff on his preparations and training for Hardrock and we are finally here. This show is the last time we get to talk to Jeff until after the race. We cannot thank him enough for taking us on this journey. Jeff -Good Luck and Thank you but most of all we all want you to "KISS IT".
Show Notes:
Training & Trail Marking
Hardrock Parade
Silverton Vibe
"Getting Real"

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
SingleTrack Session #44
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
We hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July! TrailManners (Aric & Joel) are gearing up and heading to Salmon, Idaho for the Beaverhead 100k this weekend and we are pretty pumped. When we get back we will share the experience is photos, dance and song....okay maybe just photo and words. This week we hit a few hot topics and announce the winner of the El Vaquero Loco contest we held.
Have a listen and do not forget to post your 4th of July photos! Have a great week!
Show Notes:
Episide #90 Recap: Eric Chrisman of Elevation Culture
Aric & Joel are heading to the Beaverhead 100k
UTMB- Points and payment
Be safe and be smart
El Vaquero Loco Entry Contest- Winner is....gotta listen
Post your 4th photos
TrailManners Strava weekly leaders
PC: Mike Pace: Indian Trail- Ogden, Utah

Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Episode #90- Eric Chrisman: Elevation Culture
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Happy 4th of July everyone! With this weeks show we catch up with Eric Chrisman of Elevation Culture and talk about everything from racing 200's, the fact he is a former soccer player (Aric & Joel dig that) and being the Owner/Founder/Designer at Elevation Culture in San Diego.
Eric took his passion for the trails and turned that into an amazing small business. If you are a RD or need any type of award- we cannot recommend Elevation Culture highly enough. Thanks Eric for taking the time to join us on the TrailManners Podcast and thank you for what you are bringing to the trail world.
Show Notes:
Intro to Eric
Trail Runner
Owner/Founder/Designer @ Elevation Culture
Kindred Soccer Player
Tahoe 200- 18 hours of AS time
Elevation Culture

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
SingleTrack Session #43
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
This is the first time we have had a show interrupted by a rattlesnake but we battled through and kept recording. There was just too much to cover and we wanted to talk about WS100, Sink Canyon and the El Vaquero Loco 2017 Race entry contest.
Have a listen, enjoy and participate in the contest so we can see you at El Vaquero.
Show Notes:
Episode #89 Recap- Psychology of Recovery
Rattlesnake Interruption- WTH?
Sink Canyon 50 recap
Western States recap
4th of July show off- let's see it
El Vaquero Loco 2017 Entry Contest
Stop the trolling
PC: Racheal Zeiler- Blogett Arch (Where did your feet take you weekly winner)

Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Episode #89- Dr. Chris Heilman: Psychology of Recovery
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
TrailManners super fan, Curtis Thompson, busted his wheel while volunteering at the 2017 RUFA and needed surgery to fix torn ligaments and tendons in his ankle. The long recovery meant his 2017 Wasatch 100 was out of the question as was most running for the summer. Curtis asked if we could do a show on the Psychology of Recovery and we're happy to make that happen!
Dr. Chris Heilman from Mindset Coaching, jumped on a call to answer Curtis' burning question...what is the optimal way to psychologically deal with an injury and what tools can we acquire and sharpen during the recovery process.
Show Notes:
Honor the Present
Make a Suffering Inventory
Allow Recovery to Happen
Mindfullness and Meditaiton
Jar of Awesomeness
Passion Statement